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What is holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is a treatment that considers the client as a whole and uses a more natural approach to care. It is an attitudinal approach rather than a specific set of methods. This type of care addresses psychological, familial, societal, ethical, spiritual, and biological dimensions of health and wellness. At Hasty’s health and Wellness, we believe in giving the body what it needs to heal itself.

What are some weight loss options?

There are many tools in the toolbox for managing weight. Our practice uses an individualized approach and since each person is different, the plan of care can vary. We use a variety of techniques including diet, exercise, supplements, and traditional medications for our clients.

Lipotropics Injections

We are excited to be offering Lipotropics mixed with B12! These can be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously weekly or monthly.

Primary functions include preventing excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, increasing energy, making cholesterol more soluble, detoxifying, and increasing resistance to disease by stimulating antibodies.

Anyone can benefit from these, especially in combination with healthy lifestyle changes.

Food Sensitivity Test

Food sensitivity testing is a blood test that checks 286 antigens from thirteen different food groups using only one tube of blood.


Initial Visit

60 minutes $125

Follow up visit

30 minutes $50


Electrocardiogram $20

Prior authorizations

Prior authorizations are $25


Depend on number and type of tests


Contact me for more information!